Who are you?

In a country where everything is different from what you are used to, it is nice to know a place where you feel at home. That is what the ICF Network in Veenendaal can be for you. A network of people from different cultures who want to be a hand and a foot to each other. Also if you want to be helped on your way, ICF Veenendaal is there for you. For example, you do not speak the Dutch language and would like to get in touch with fellow sufferers. We would like to get in touch with you. Because together we build a home for all peoples.

  • – Different languages

  • There is children’s work from 4 to 12 years old

  • Time from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

  • After the service we will have lunch together. You are invited and we will provide the food.

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A wonderful place to get to know people from different nationalities.

ICF is a place of encounters


Nullam convallis, orci in congue aliquet, diam mauris cursus urna, id maximus lectus magna maximus tellus ut posuere.


Nullam convallis, orci in congue aliquet, diam mauris cursus urna, id maximus lectus magna maximus tellus ut posuere.


Nullam convallis, orci in congue aliquet, diam mauris cursus urna, id maximus lectus magna maximus tellus ut posuere.


Nullam convallis, orci in congue aliquet, diam mauris cursus urna, id maximus lectus magna maximus tellus ut posuere.

Contribute financially as well

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Change a life today

The ICF network consists of people who want to get involved in the community. What could be nicer than to put a smile on someone’s face by helping out. To be able to do this, dozens of people from Veenendaal and surroundings dedicate themselves. This way we are supported practically & financially. Get involved too and contribute in time or financial means!